Course Syllabus
Course Communication
When I come across information I think will be valuable for you, I'll post it as an announcement in our Canvas course. Some of these posts will relate to IB Biology specifically, but some will feature useful resources that will help you as a student or as a human being. If we need to make any changes to our schedule or due dates, I'll also post these in the announcements area.
If I need to get a hold of you this semester, I'll contact you through Canvas mail. You can access this feature by clicking "Inbox" in the left-hand global navigation bar.
I respond to email and canvas messages within 48 hours, Monday through Friday. I reserve the right to wait until Monday to reply to messages sent over the weekend.
Not only will you find your grades and rubric scores in our gradebook, I also use the comments feature to ask questions and spark further conversations about your ideas and contributions. I do my best to grade assignments and offer feedback within 5-7 days. However, please be understanding if/when things are taking me a bit longer.
Course Materials
The materials that are needed (although not necessarily used daily) are:
Suggested for organization of your various papers and creations:
There are materials accessible in the classroom for you to use should you not have your own.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes are governed and assessed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. The IB Biology syllabus is a list of all the content that the IB Organization mandates are taught throughout the two years of the IB Biology higher level course. The aim of the syllabus is to integrate concepts, topic content and the nature of science through inquiry. While SHS does not necessarily progress through the syllabus statements in order, they are presented in order here.
Course Schedule
A plan for each week will be posted with detail on the topics and lessons for the week. Assignments will be viewable in the Canvas Calendar, Canvas To-Do List, and in the Canvas Modules.
In this class, people of all ethnicities, genders and gender identities, religions, ages, sexual orientations, disabilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, regions, and nationalities are strongly encouraged to share their rich array of perspectives and experiences. If you feel your differences may in some way isolate you from our classroom community or if you have a specific need, please speak with me so that we can work together to help you become an active and engaged member of our class and community.
Expectations of the Student
Expectations of the Instructor
Student Photos
Students and families will be asked to opt-in or opt-out of student photos and/or assignment artifacts (with names redacted) being shared via the website and public facing social media (IG @ibbioteacher) using #shsibbio.
Course Fees
There is a $15 course fee in IB Biology. This fee covers your note templates. Most students elect to pay the fee so that they can receive the printed templates in class. You may elect to print templates on your own. However, please note that you will likely use more than $15 worth of paper and ink to complete all the printing over the course of the year. In order to pay the course fee, go to the Skyline website and click the “pay fees and fines” button. Please let your teacher know, in writing, if you will not be purchasing the class note templates.
In certain circumstances, school lab equipment can be check out to students for completing investigations at home. If you do not return, damage, brake or misuse school equipment, you are responsible for paying a replacement fee for the item.
Daily attendance and active participation in each class are critical parts of the learning process. According to the school handbook:
Assessment and Grades
The class assessment will factor into your Skyline GPA and appear on your transcript. Your class grade is calculated against a high academic standard, appropriate for a college level course. You earn your grade; your teacher does not “give” grades. Grades will be updated and posted on-line using the Canvas Gradebook on a regular basis. You will be able to track your grade throughout the course using the "Grades" link in the left side navigation menu on the course page. The final grade for the class that synchs to Skyward will not be a surprise to you. IN IB BIOLOGY WE DO NOT ROUND GRADES (you are given ample opportunity to go above and beyond to raise your grade).
Late Work
In general, please complete your work on time. With the exception of initial knowledge audits, late work is accepted without grade penalty through the end of a unit. The end of the unit is defined as the time at which your class period sits the quiz for the unit (or equivalent summative assessment). If you will need additional time beyond the unit deadline, please speak with your teacher in advance about your need for an extension and your plan for completion. IB Biology teachers are extraordinarily flexible and accommodating of student circumstances and different needs, but advance communication is key.
Work submitted past a unit deadline without prior arrangement will earn a default score of 52% through the end of the quarter in which it was assigned. Late work will not be accepted beyond the end of the quarter in which the task was assigned.
The final IA paper can not be submitted late if you are submitting to the IBO for external moderation.
Missing Summative Assessments
If an absence is unexcused, the student will sit the assessment as outlined above but will NOT be eligible for an additional retake. Missing an assessment with an unexcused absence earns a 0 for the original score and the score earned when taking the test/quiz upon return is serving as the "retake" for the 0 earned on the day of the unexcused absence. According to the school attendance policy, absences must be excused by 8:00 am on the day after the student is absent.
Resubmissions and Retakes
Academic Honesty
It is assumed that Skyline students are honorable people. Only those lacking in intelligence believe that cheating on academic work is profitable. Students are here to learn; cheating makes learning impossible.
Please read the Skyline High School Academic Honesty Policy to make sure you understand the importance of your academic integrity. Cheating will not be tolerated and is clearly a violation of course and school policy. The following acts of cheating are examples of behavior that may result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the student handbook.
Regarding Use of Generative AI Tools:
Disruptive Behavior
We work quite hard to fulfill all the course requirements, so it is important for students to remain attentive and work with intention at all times. I trust that students will be responsible for their learning and will not engage in any activity that will take away from their own learning or from a classmate’s ability to learn. Nothing infuriates me as much as a student who disrespects another’s right to learn. If this should occur, the following progressive discipline pathway will be utilized:
Lab Safety
The Issaquah School District takes laboratory safety very seriously. Safety in the science classroom and laboratory is the FIRST PRIORITY for students, instructors, and parents. To ensure safer classroom/laboratory/field experiences, the Science Safety Rules have been developed for the protection and safety of all. The Rules must be followed at all times. Each student must have returned the class expectations agreement, signed by student and parent before being allowed to do lab work. Your signature indicates that you have read these rules, understand them, and agree to follow them at all times while working in the classroom/laboratory.
Flex Time
Flex Time is available for students to make up missing assignments, retake quizzes or get extra help on tasks. If you sign up for IB Biology flex, the expectation is that you will be academically productive and/or not disruptive to other students.
When I come across information I think will be valuable for you, I'll post it as an announcement in our Canvas course. Some of these posts will relate to IB Biology specifically, but some will feature useful resources that will help you as a student or as a human being. If we need to make any changes to our schedule or due dates, I'll also post these in the announcements area.
If I need to get a hold of you this semester, I'll contact you through Canvas mail. You can access this feature by clicking "Inbox" in the left-hand global navigation bar.
I respond to email and canvas messages within 48 hours, Monday through Friday. I reserve the right to wait until Monday to reply to messages sent over the weekend.
Not only will you find your grades and rubric scores in our gradebook, I also use the comments feature to ask questions and spark further conversations about your ideas and contributions. I do my best to grade assignments and offer feedback within 5-7 days. However, please be understanding if/when things are taking me a bit longer.
Course Materials
The materials that are needed (although not necessarily used daily) are:
- Pencil and eraser
- White 8.5" X 11" paper
- Calculator
- Metric ruler for lab drawings
- Colored highlighters
- At least five colors of pens for taking notes
- Tape and\or glue stick
- Sticky notes
- Colored pencils and/or pens
Suggested for organization of your various papers and creations:
- A (3") 3-ring binder dedicated solely to IB Bio
- 8-12 tabbed binder dividers
- Plastic page protectors
There are materials accessible in the classroom for you to use should you not have your own.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes are governed and assessed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. The IB Biology syllabus is a list of all the content that the IB Organization mandates are taught throughout the two years of the IB Biology higher level course. The aim of the syllabus is to integrate concepts, topic content and the nature of science through inquiry. While SHS does not necessarily progress through the syllabus statements in order, they are presented in order here.
Course Schedule
A plan for each week will be posted with detail on the topics and lessons for the week. Assignments will be viewable in the Canvas Calendar, Canvas To-Do List, and in the Canvas Modules.
In this class, people of all ethnicities, genders and gender identities, religions, ages, sexual orientations, disabilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, regions, and nationalities are strongly encouraged to share their rich array of perspectives and experiences. If you feel your differences may in some way isolate you from our classroom community or if you have a specific need, please speak with me so that we can work together to help you become an active and engaged member of our class and community.
Expectations of the Student
- Thoughtfully and compassionately consider divergent views, respect each other, and maintain engagement in your learning.
- Professionally communicate with your teacher if you have questions, comments or concerns.
- Reading directions and announcements.
- Regular attendance is very important for success IB biology. The attendance policy corresponds with the school-wide policy.
- Expect to spend about 3-5 hours per week working on this course outside of class time
- To the best of your ability, engage with attention and intention to every aspect of this course.
- Take the opportunity to learn how to write your own thoughts. Simply copying answers from another student without having helped to produce the product is plagiarism and will be treated as such. Be sure to give credit where credit is due and cite your sources.
- Learning through collaboration (defined as working with or learning from another) is an effective tool used in this class and in your future employment. When I expect you to collaborate, I'll make it very clear in the assignment instructions. All other work in this class is to be done independently.
Expectations of the Instructor
- Curate and create course materials to prepare students for the exams and other assessments in this course.
- Utilize fair and honest evaluation techniques for each assignment required for this course.
- Provide quality, engaging and worthwhile learning opportunities.
- Address the needs of a diverse range of learner in this course.
- Be available to answer questions or issues that may arise during this course.
- Respond to email and Canvas messages within 48 hours, Monday through Friday.
Student Photos
Students and families will be asked to opt-in or opt-out of student photos and/or assignment artifacts (with names redacted) being shared via the website and public facing social media (IG @ibbioteacher) using #shsibbio.
Course Fees
There is a $15 course fee in IB Biology. This fee covers your note templates. Most students elect to pay the fee so that they can receive the printed templates in class. You may elect to print templates on your own. However, please note that you will likely use more than $15 worth of paper and ink to complete all the printing over the course of the year. In order to pay the course fee, go to the Skyline website and click the “pay fees and fines” button. Please let your teacher know, in writing, if you will not be purchasing the class note templates.
In certain circumstances, school lab equipment can be check out to students for completing investigations at home. If you do not return, damage, brake or misuse school equipment, you are responsible for paying a replacement fee for the item.
Daily attendance and active participation in each class are critical parts of the learning process. According to the school handbook:
- absences must be excused by 8:00 a.m. of the day following the absence.
- any work due or assigned during an unexcused absence cannot be made up for credit.
Assessment and Grades
The class assessment will factor into your Skyline GPA and appear on your transcript. Your class grade is calculated against a high academic standard, appropriate for a college level course. You earn your grade; your teacher does not “give” grades. Grades will be updated and posted on-line using the Canvas Gradebook on a regular basis. You will be able to track your grade throughout the course using the "Grades" link in the left side navigation menu on the course page. The final grade for the class that synchs to Skyward will not be a surprise to you. IN IB BIOLOGY WE DO NOT ROUND GRADES (you are given ample opportunity to go above and beyond to raise your grade).
Late Work
In general, please complete your work on time. With the exception of initial knowledge audits, late work is accepted without grade penalty through the end of a unit. The end of the unit is defined as the time at which your class period sits the quiz for the unit (or equivalent summative assessment). If you will need additional time beyond the unit deadline, please speak with your teacher in advance about your need for an extension and your plan for completion. IB Biology teachers are extraordinarily flexible and accommodating of student circumstances and different needs, but advance communication is key.
Work submitted past a unit deadline without prior arrangement will earn a default score of 52% through the end of the quarter in which it was assigned. Late work will not be accepted beyond the end of the quarter in which the task was assigned.
The final IA paper can not be submitted late if you are submitting to the IBO for external moderation.
Missing Summative Assessments
- Summative assessments are quizzes, tests or presentations that demonstrate learning acquired over the course of a unit or topic.
- When present up to the date of a summative assessment but then absent on the day of summative assessment, students will take the missed assessment in class on the day of their return to class. Students will be responsible for independently completing classwork that is occurring simultaneously in class. For example:
- Wednesday - present
- Thursday - absent missing assessment
- Friday -make up quiz/test in class. Independently complete tasks being missed while make-up assessment is being completed.
- When absent X days prior to an assessment and absent on the day of the summative assessment, students will have X+1 days to take the missed assessment. The assessment may be taken in class or alternatively as arranged with the teacher. For example:
- Monday- absent day 1
- Tuesday - absent day 2
- Thursday - absent missing assessment
- Friday - return to class
- Student has three days to make up the assessment - so on or before Tuesday of the following week.
- Alternatives may be pre-arranged with the teacher. For example:
- Student knows they will be absent and may elect to take an assessment early in a Flex time or after school
- Student knows they have a lot of work to make up due to an extended absence. Student would communicate with teacher in advance of the X+1 days allotted to make a plan for a different assessment date/time.
If an absence is unexcused, the student will sit the assessment as outlined above but will NOT be eligible for an additional retake. Missing an assessment with an unexcused absence earns a 0 for the original score and the score earned when taking the test/quiz upon return is serving as the "retake" for the 0 earned on the day of the unexcused absence. According to the school attendance policy, absences must be excused by 8:00 am on the day after the student is absent.
Resubmissions and Retakes
- Classwork: class work assignments can not be resubmitted for a higher score.
- Lab work and projects: lab work and projects may be resubmitted ONE TIME through the end of each unit. Resubmitted work will earn a max score of the lowest points possible for an A. Work may not be resubmitted for grade improvement past a unit deadline.
- The Internal Assessment assignments can NOT be resubmitted for a higher score. Because submission dates are fixed by IBO and there are strict guidelines about the time students spend on those assignments, and the types and amounts of feedback they are allowed during the process, the Internal Assessment is NOT eligible for some 504 supports (i.e. extended time) or grade recovery. Students and families should work closely with teachers to understand the demands of the assignments so they can allocate sufficient time, care and focus during the process.
- Quizzes: students are permitted to retake a quiz if the original score is less than a 92% (an A). Retakes will be completed during FLEX time or at an arranged retake session. Students will have up until the end of quarter to retake a quiz. Quizzes may be retaken only one time and can earn a maximum of 92%. On a retake, there is an alternative minimum score of a 52% (D); this means the retake score in the gradebook will not be lower than a 52% of the points possible (even if the earned score is lower). Students will earn the retake score up to the maximum (even if it is lower than the original).
- Tests: quarter tests may not be retaken.
Academic Honesty
It is assumed that Skyline students are honorable people. Only those lacking in intelligence believe that cheating on academic work is profitable. Students are here to learn; cheating makes learning impossible.
Please read the Skyline High School Academic Honesty Policy to make sure you understand the importance of your academic integrity. Cheating will not be tolerated and is clearly a violation of course and school policy. The following acts of cheating are examples of behavior that may result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the student handbook.
- Looking up answers on a phone or web browser when not permitted
- Copying someone else’s test, quiz, assignment, or report
- Letting someone copy from a test, quiz, homework, assignment, or report
- Looking at notes or a phone during a test, quiz, or other assessment
- Sharing questions from a test with students who have yet to take the test
- Listing someone else’s data without giving credit, or worse, making up data to fit the expected answer. It is acceptable to present your own data, to state the reasons that you feel the results should be disregarded, and then to present another student’s data (making sure the source is acknowledged)
- Using opinions, facts, ideas, charts, data and direct quotes from research papers, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, websites, artificial intelligence or another person without citing the source.
Regarding Use of Generative AI Tools:
- Use AI to enhance, not supplant, your learning and your voice
- Cite uses of AI to preserve academic integrity. Click here to see how to cite generative AI toolsLinks to an external site..
- Take responsibility to ensure AI-assisted products are accurate, factual and aligned to the intended use
- Use critical thinking to examine the appropriate uses of AI
- Create, collaborate and innovate using AI
Disruptive Behavior
We work quite hard to fulfill all the course requirements, so it is important for students to remain attentive and work with intention at all times. I trust that students will be responsible for their learning and will not engage in any activity that will take away from their own learning or from a classmate’s ability to learn. Nothing infuriates me as much as a student who disrespects another’s right to learn. If this should occur, the following progressive discipline pathway will be utilized:
- Polite warning noting the behavior and how it disrupts teaching and/or learning.
- Individual meeting between student and teacher. Student will write a summary of the meeting, sending a copy to both Ms. vB and their parent/guardian.
Lab Safety
The Issaquah School District takes laboratory safety very seriously. Safety in the science classroom and laboratory is the FIRST PRIORITY for students, instructors, and parents. To ensure safer classroom/laboratory/field experiences, the Science Safety Rules have been developed for the protection and safety of all. The Rules must be followed at all times. Each student must have returned the class expectations agreement, signed by student and parent before being allowed to do lab work. Your signature indicates that you have read these rules, understand them, and agree to follow them at all times while working in the classroom/laboratory.
Flex Time
Flex Time is available for students to make up missing assignments, retake quizzes or get extra help on tasks. If you sign up for IB Biology flex, the expectation is that you will be academically productive and/or not disruptive to other students.