⭐IB Bio Syllabus⭐
Unity and Diversity (A)
A1 molecules
A1.1: Water
A1.2: Nucleic Acids
A2 Cells
A2.1: Origins of Cells
A2.2: Cell Structure
A2.3: Viruses
A3 Organisms
A3.1: Diversity of Organisms
A3.2: Classification and Cladistics
A4 Ecosystems
A4.1: Evolution and Speciation
A4.2: Conservation of Biodiversity
Form and Function (B)
B1 Molecules
B1.1: Carbohydrates and Lipids
B1.2: Proteins
B2 Cells
B2.1 Membranes and Membrane Transport
B2.2 Organelles and Compartmentalization
B2.3 Cell Specialization
B3 Organisms
B3.1 Gas Exchange
B3.2 Transport
B3.3 Muscle and Motility
B4 Ecosystems
B4.1 Adaptation to Environment
B4.2 Ecological Niches
Interaction and Interdependence (C)
C1 Molecules
C1.1: Enzymes and Metabolism
C1.2: Cell Respiration
C1.3: Photosynthesis
C2 Cells
C2.1: Chemical Signaling
C2.2: Neural Signaling
C3 Organisms
C3.1: Integration of Body Systems
C3.2: Defense Against Disease
C4 Ecosystems
C4.1 Populations and Communities
C4.2 Transfers of Energy and Matter
Continuity and Change (D)
D1 Molecules
D1.1: DNA Replication
D1.2: Protein Synthesis
D1.3: Mutation and Gene Editing
D2 Cells
D2.1: Cell and Nuclear Division
D2.2: Gene Expression
D2.3: Water Potential
D3 Organisms
D3.1: Reproduction
D3.2: Inheritance
D3.3: Homeostasis
D4 Ecosystems
D4.1: Natural Selection
D4.2: Stability and Change
D4.3: Climate Change
Legacy Syllabus (2016)
1: Cell Biology
1.1: Introduction to Cells
1.2: Ultrastructure of Cells
1.3: Membrane Structure
1.4: Membrane Transport
1.5: The Origin of Cells
1.6: Cell Division
2: Molecular Biology
2.1: Molecules to Metabolism
2.2: Water
2.3: Carbohydrates and Lipids
2.4: Proteins
2.5: Enzymes
2.6: DNA and RNA
2.7: DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation
2.8: Cell Respiration
2.9: Photosynthesis
3: Genetics
3.1: Genes
3.2: Chromosomes
3.3: Meiosis
3.4: Inheritance
3.5: Genetic Modification and Biotechnology
4: Ecology
4.1: Species, Communities and Ecosystems
4.2: Energy Flow
4.3: Carbon Cycling
4.4: Climate Change
5: Evolution and Biodiversity
5.1: Evidence for Evolution
5.2: Natural Selection
5.3: Classification and Biodiversity
5.4: Cladistics
6: Human Physiology
6.1: Digestion and Absorption
6.2: The Blood System
6.3: Defense Against Infectious Disease
6.4: Gas Exchange
6.5: Neurons and Synapses
6.6: Hormones, Homeostasis and Reproduction
Higher Level
7: Nucleic Acids
7.1: DNA Structure and Replication
7.2: Transcription and Gene Expression
7.3: Translation
8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis
8.1: Metabolism
8.2: Cell Respiration
8.3: Photosynthesis
9: Plant Biology
9.1: Transport in the Xylem of Plants
9.2: Transport in the Phloem of Plants
9.3: Growth in Plants
9.4: Reproduction in Plants
10: Genetics and Evolution
10.1: Meiosis
10.2: Inheritance
10.3: Gene Pools and Speciation
11: Animal Physiology
11.1: Antibody Production and Vaccination
11.2: Movement
11.3: Kidney and Osmoregulation
11.4: Sexual Reproduction
D: Human Physiology
D.1: Human Nutrition
D.2: Digestion
D.3: Functions of the Liver
D.4: The Heart
D.5: Hormones and Metabolism
D.6: Transport of Respiratory Gases
Revision Tools
IB Requirements
Learner Profile
Collaborative Sciences Project
External Assessment
Internal Assessment
Research Design
Extended Essay
Exam Revision
Skills for Biology
Experimental Techniques
Addressing Safety
Measuring Variables
Lab Drawings
Measurement Uncertainty
Graphing with Excel
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendancy
Measures of Spread
Pearson Correlation
Inferential Statistics
X2 Test for Independence
X2 Goodness of Fit
Interpreting Error Bars
Inquiry Processes
Exploring & Designing
Collecting & Processing Data
Data Tables
Concluding & Evaluating
Error Analysis
SHS Course Info
Above & Beyond
Biology Club
Pumpkin Carving
Scavenger Hunt
Science News
Wood Duck Project (legacy)
Invasive Crayfish Project (legacy)
Class Grading IB Bio I
Class Grading IB Bio II
Daily Quizzes (legacy)
Lab Practicals (legacy)
Class Photos
Favorite Quotes
AEF Blog
Bahamas (2009)
Trinidad (2010)
Trinidad (2011)
Ecuador (2012)
Trinidad (2013)
Peru (2014)
Bahamas (2015)
Peru (2016)
Costa Rica (2017)
Costa Rica (2018)
Arizona (2022)
Florida (2023)
Belize (2024)
Summer Ecology Research
Teacher Resources
Essential Idea:
The continued survival of living organisms including humans depends on sustainable communities.
Outline answer to each objective statement for topic 4.1 (coming soon)
Quizlet study set for this topic
At SHS, Topic 4.1 is taught in the following class unit(s):
Concepts of Biology
Communities and Ecosystems
Energy Flow through Ecosystem
Nutrient Cycles
Statements & Objectives:
4.1.U1 Species are groups of organisms that can potentially interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Describe limitations of the biological species concept.
Define species according to the biological species concept.
4.1.U2 Members of a species may be reproductively isolated in separate populations.
Define population.
Outline how reproductive isolation can lead to speciation.
4.1.U3 Species have either an autotrophic or heterotrophic method of nutrition (a few species have both methods).
Define autotroph and heterotroph.
4.1.U4 Consumers are heterotrophs that feed on living organisms by ingestion.
Describe the feeding behaviors of consumers.
List three example consumer organisms.
4.1.U5 Detrivores are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from detritus by internal digestion.
Describe the feeding behaviors of detritivores.
List two example detritivore organisms.
4.1.U6 Saprotrophs are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from dead organisms by external digestion.
Describe the feeding behaviors of saprotrophs.
List two example saprotroph organisms.
4.1.U7 A community is formed by populations of different species living together and interacting with each other.
Define species, population and community.
Give an example of a community of organisms.
4.1.U8 A community forms an ecosystem by its interactions with the abiotic environment.
Define abiotic and ecosystem.
4.1.U9 Autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients from the abiotic environment.
Define nutrient.
List the common nutrients needed by organisms.
Outline how nutrients enter living systems.
4.1.U10 The supply of inorganic nutrients is maintained by nutrient recycling.
State that chemical elements can be recycled but energy can not.
Outline the generalized flow of nutrients between the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem.
4.1.U11 Ecosystems have the potential to be sustainable over long periods of time.
Define sustainability.
Give an example of an unsustainable practice.
Outline three requirements of a sustainable ecosystem.
4.1.S1 Classifying species as autotrophs, consumers, detrivores or saprotrophs from a knowledge of their mode of nutrition.
Use a dichotomous key to identify the mode of nutrition of an organism.
4.1.S2 Testing for association between two species using the chi-squared test with data obtained from quadrat sampling.
Outline why sampling must be random.
Explain methods of random sampling, including the use of a quadrat.
State the null and alternative hypothesis of the chi-square test of association.
Use a contingency table to complete a chi-square test of association.
4.1.S3 Recognizing and interpreting statistical significance.
Calculate a chi-square statistic based on observed and expected values.
State the null and alternative hypothesis of statistical tests.
Determine if the null hypothesis is supported or rejected given a critical value and a calculated statistic.
State the minimum acceptable significance level (p value) in published research.
Explain the meaning of a “statistically significant” result, including the probability of chance having a role in the result.
4.1.S4 Setting up sealed mecocosms to try to establish sustainability.
(Practical 5)
Define mesocosm.
List three example mesocosms.
Outline requirements of setting up a mesocosm.
4.1.NOS Looking for patterns, trends and discrepancies- plants and algae are mostly autotrophic but some are not.
State the trend found in the nutritional patterns of plants and algae.
Describe the discrepancy in the nutritional pattern of parasitic plants and algae.
⭐IB Bio Syllabus⭐
Unity and Diversity (A)
A1 molecules
A1.1: Water
A1.2: Nucleic Acids
A2 Cells
A2.1: Origins of Cells
A2.2: Cell Structure
A2.3: Viruses
A3 Organisms
A3.1: Diversity of Organisms
A3.2: Classification and Cladistics
A4 Ecosystems
A4.1: Evolution and Speciation
A4.2: Conservation of Biodiversity
Form and Function (B)
B1 Molecules
B1.1: Carbohydrates and Lipids
B1.2: Proteins
B2 Cells
B2.1 Membranes and Membrane Transport
B2.2 Organelles and Compartmentalization
B2.3 Cell Specialization
B3 Organisms
B3.1 Gas Exchange
B3.2 Transport
B3.3 Muscle and Motility
B4 Ecosystems
B4.1 Adaptation to Environment
B4.2 Ecological Niches
Interaction and Interdependence (C)
C1 Molecules
C1.1: Enzymes and Metabolism
C1.2: Cell Respiration
C1.3: Photosynthesis
C2 Cells
C2.1: Chemical Signaling
C2.2: Neural Signaling
C3 Organisms
C3.1: Integration of Body Systems
C3.2: Defense Against Disease
C4 Ecosystems
C4.1 Populations and Communities
C4.2 Transfers of Energy and Matter
Continuity and Change (D)
D1 Molecules
D1.1: DNA Replication
D1.2: Protein Synthesis
D1.3: Mutation and Gene Editing
D2 Cells
D2.1: Cell and Nuclear Division
D2.2: Gene Expression
D2.3: Water Potential
D3 Organisms
D3.1: Reproduction
D3.2: Inheritance
D3.3: Homeostasis
D4 Ecosystems
D4.1: Natural Selection
D4.2: Stability and Change
D4.3: Climate Change
Legacy Syllabus (2016)
1: Cell Biology
1.1: Introduction to Cells
1.2: Ultrastructure of Cells
1.3: Membrane Structure
1.4: Membrane Transport
1.5: The Origin of Cells
1.6: Cell Division
2: Molecular Biology
2.1: Molecules to Metabolism
2.2: Water
2.3: Carbohydrates and Lipids
2.4: Proteins
2.5: Enzymes
2.6: DNA and RNA
2.7: DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation
2.8: Cell Respiration
2.9: Photosynthesis
3: Genetics
3.1: Genes
3.2: Chromosomes
3.3: Meiosis
3.4: Inheritance
3.5: Genetic Modification and Biotechnology
4: Ecology
4.1: Species, Communities and Ecosystems
4.2: Energy Flow
4.3: Carbon Cycling
4.4: Climate Change
5: Evolution and Biodiversity
5.1: Evidence for Evolution
5.2: Natural Selection
5.3: Classification and Biodiversity
5.4: Cladistics
6: Human Physiology
6.1: Digestion and Absorption
6.2: The Blood System
6.3: Defense Against Infectious Disease
6.4: Gas Exchange
6.5: Neurons and Synapses
6.6: Hormones, Homeostasis and Reproduction
Higher Level
7: Nucleic Acids
7.1: DNA Structure and Replication
7.2: Transcription and Gene Expression
7.3: Translation
8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis
8.1: Metabolism
8.2: Cell Respiration
8.3: Photosynthesis
9: Plant Biology
9.1: Transport in the Xylem of Plants
9.2: Transport in the Phloem of Plants
9.3: Growth in Plants
9.4: Reproduction in Plants
10: Genetics and Evolution
10.1: Meiosis
10.2: Inheritance
10.3: Gene Pools and Speciation
11: Animal Physiology
11.1: Antibody Production and Vaccination
11.2: Movement
11.3: Kidney and Osmoregulation
11.4: Sexual Reproduction
D: Human Physiology
D.1: Human Nutrition
D.2: Digestion
D.3: Functions of the Liver
D.4: The Heart
D.5: Hormones and Metabolism
D.6: Transport of Respiratory Gases
Revision Tools
IB Requirements
Learner Profile
Collaborative Sciences Project
External Assessment
Internal Assessment
Research Design
Extended Essay
Exam Revision
Skills for Biology
Experimental Techniques
Addressing Safety
Measuring Variables
Lab Drawings
Measurement Uncertainty
Graphing with Excel
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendancy
Measures of Spread
Pearson Correlation
Inferential Statistics
X2 Test for Independence
X2 Goodness of Fit
Interpreting Error Bars
Inquiry Processes
Exploring & Designing
Collecting & Processing Data
Data Tables
Concluding & Evaluating
Error Analysis
SHS Course Info
Above & Beyond
Biology Club
Pumpkin Carving
Scavenger Hunt
Science News
Wood Duck Project (legacy)
Invasive Crayfish Project (legacy)
Class Grading IB Bio I
Class Grading IB Bio II
Daily Quizzes (legacy)
Lab Practicals (legacy)
Class Photos
Favorite Quotes
AEF Blog
Bahamas (2009)
Trinidad (2010)
Trinidad (2011)
Ecuador (2012)
Trinidad (2013)
Peru (2014)
Bahamas (2015)
Peru (2016)
Costa Rica (2017)
Costa Rica (2018)
Arizona (2022)
Florida (2023)
Belize (2024)
Summer Ecology Research
Teacher Resources