Explain the relationship between vitamin D, calcium, osteomalacia and skin cancer.
D.1.A4 Breakdown of heart muscle due to anorexia.
List symptoms associated with anorexia nervosa.
Outline the effect of anorexia nervosa on heart muscle tissue.
D.1.A5 Cholesterol in blood as an indicator of the risk of coronary heart disease.
Outline factors that indicate that dietary cholesterol may not be the exclusive cause of the correlation between blood plasma cholesterol levels and risk of coronary heart disease.
Use a computer application to keep a record of food consumed in a single day.
Compare tracked food intake to the recommended intake of nutrients.
D.1.NOS Falsification of theories with one theory being superseded by another—scurvy was thought to be specific to humans, because attempts to induce the symptoms in laboratory rats and mice were entirely unsuccessful.
Based on cladistics, explain why some animals are poor models for the study of scurvy.